Travel Jobs: Entertainment Edition
I cannot get away from the term “digital nomad.” It’s everywhere, in the most annoying way. Sometimes I just want to give it a firm elbow, like the kid in class who won’t stop playing the drums with his pencils. Okay WE GET IT, you quit your 9-5 and now live in Bali. You and every other Millennial…
*whispers* “But teach me your ways! I want your life!”
Before there were Digital Nomads, there were just regular nomads–people who used their random skills to be badass and work abroad. Believe it or not, you don’t have to know how to code or write copy or manage someone’s social media in order to see the world (though those skills are pretty hot right now). Don’t worry, there are still global jobs out there that don’t require you to bring your computer to the beach.
Some “retro,” wanderlust jobs include teaching, working on farms, or being a tour guide…That’s what we did before everyone and their mom decided to create an e-course and sell it for $500.
I have managed to see much of the world by pursuing a career in dance. This was in no way intentional, that shit just happened. But now I know some pretty cool ways to live and work abroad. So cool that your visas, medical fees, and living fees are all payed for by your employer.
Read on for a dancer’s guide to auditioning your way to a job abroad.
Theme Parks:
Theme parks have cross-cultural appeal. You’ll find the Disney brand all over the world, from California to Japan to China and even France. Theme parks, and not just Disney, are always looking for entertainers. Their casting teams travel all over the world looking for the best talent to fit specific roles and needs. Most theme parks hiring foreign entertainers will cover the work visas, living, and travel expenses involved in relocating abroad. Visit the audition sites below and/or subscribe to their updates to be in the first in the know about upcoming castings.
Disney Parks & Entertainment Audition Calendar:
You can search Disney’s calendar by park location (ie: Disney Shanghai, Disney Hong Kong) or by skill set (dancer, singer, aerialist etc). Their site is updated often so check back regularly.
Universal Studios Parks & Entertainment:
Universal Orlando Auditions : Auditions here range from stilt-wakers, actors, stunt-performers, dancers, and singers.
Universal Osaka Auditions : Do your research on the backgrounds of the characters they seek at this park. Casting directors are looking for performers who are prepared and knowledgeable about their roles.
Universal Singapore Auditions : Aussies have the advantage at this park as their audition tour usually only hits Melbourne and Sydney.
Dubai Parks & Resorts Auditions: I admittadly know little about this park, but you can find out more about their shows by poking around their website. Consider joining dancer facebook groups and asking around for performers who have worked here.
Casinos are more than just black-jack tables. Many international casinos are well known for their in-house production shows. For example, the Wynn Las Vegas is most well-known for Le Reve. Other casinos on the strip house resident Cirque du Soleil shows. Casino hotspots abroad include Macau, Lisbon, Hong Kong, Manila and even Guam. Below are some popular production companies that cast for resident shows at Casinos both domestically and internationally.
Dragone Productions: Similar to Cirque in style, Dragone casts for casino shows in Macau and Dubai. Some of their notable shows include “House of Dancing Water,” and “Taboo.”
Cirque Du Soleil: Known worldwide for their boundary-pushing performances, Cirque hires all kinds of talent. Submit via their website and hope for an invite to their private auditions. Or keep a keen eye out for the rare open call.
5Entertain: 5Entertain puts up production shows worldwide at casinos and aboard cruise ships. Audition via reel or live at one of their auditions.
Cruise Ships:
Cruise ships are constantly casting groups of singers, dancers, aerialists, and entertainers for their resident shows aboard their fleets. These auditions are found worldwide as well. For a complete list of cruise ships and their production companies check out my guide to Cruise Ship Auditions: The Big List.
On Tour:
Another great traveling entertainment gig is to be part of a show on tour. Touring shows come in all shapes and sizes. You can find auditions for tours all over the web. For Broadway tours check out the Actor’s Equity site. If you have a specific show in mind you’ve seen come through your city, find out the production company behind the show and reach out to them directly for audition information.
Regional Theatre:
If you’re not looking to rove around, but rather explore a new city while working on a resident show– consider performing a season with a regional theatre. Small professional theatre companies exist all over the US. These theatres typically cast a group of multi-talented individuals to perform in their season of shows, singing, dancing, acting and performing a myriad of roles. Regional theaters hold auditions in the Winter and late Summer, both in their local community and often in New York City. My advice would be to find a city you’re eager to explore and then search for their community theatre. Poke around their website for audition information, or casting director emails. Have your show reels and resume at the ready to send in.
Hey! I am having a blog party next weekend! I would love if you could come and share some of your awesome blog post with my community 🙂 http://scaleitsimple.com/2017/10/20/your-invite-fall-feelings-blog-party/
Hope to see you there! xo